Aromashield: Safe for You and the Environment!

Pranarom Certified Organic Aromashield Outdoor Defense, Forest & Field, After-Bite Eraser, Defense Spray, Defense Spray Kids, Outdoor Defense Kids, and After-Bite Eraser Kids bottles and circular wood blocks.
Get out and explore. We’ve got you safely covered!

The days are getting longer and the temperatures are warming up across the country – it’s time to head outdoors and enjoy some much-needed sunshine. But, there’s nothing worse than trying to enjoy a beautiful day out in nature when those pesky, uninvited, pests arrive on the scene.

The challenge often becomes “how do we protect ourselves from the mosquitos, fleas, ticks, etc, while still protecting ourselves from all the unwanted chemicals?” Most insect repellants on the market today contain shocking amounts of toxic chemicals. Have you ever read the warning label on products that contain Deet? Yikes!! We must remember that our skin is the largest organ in our body, and anything we put on it can be absorbed into the bloodstream.

Bug Spray 101

There are two main categories of bug sprays: insecticides and repellents. The Environmental Protection Agency has classified both of these as pesticides in the United States. A pesticide can be classified as any substance or a combination of substances that is intended for:

• Preventing
• Destroying
• Repelling, or
• Mitigating any pest

Insecticides by definition are substances that are used to kill insects. Repellents, on the other hand, are substances that are used to repel insects from landing and climbing on surfaces.

While many of these products have been approved by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), there are many organizations that find some of these products to be harmful to us and the environment. Getting educated on what we put in and on our body is more important than ever.

A Safe Alternative

At Pranarom, we put you and your safety first! Our products are made using the power of certified organic essential oils with absolutely no harsh synthetics and chemicals. Safe for you, your family, and the environment!

So, the next time you are heading out to enjoy a day outdoors, you have a safe choice. We have you covered with our Aromashield line of products and some exciting new additions. We even have a line for kids! Let’s take a closer look.

NEW Aromashield Forest & Field Defense Spray: Deep woods, thick grass and ticks don’t stand a chance against this power-house spray. This product is not for children under 12 years old – check out our Aromashield Defense Spray for Kids, instead.

Aromashield After-Bite Eraser: New name, same great product! Made with Lavender, Peppermint, and Clove, this product provides immediate relief for itchy bug bites while promoting healing. This product is a great addition to your first aid kit. And now in a kid’s version too!

NEW Aromashield Outdoor Defense Diffusion Blend: Made with Citronella and Rose Geranium are sure to keep the bugs at bay so you can enjoy the outdoors. Great added to a diffuser or to our Aromatherapy Bracelet. This product comes in a kid’s version, too!

Aromashield Defense Spray: Our classic Aromashield Defense spray is great for protecting you from those pesky flying pests. It also has a pleasant, light aroma! And now in a kid’s version too!

You may have to apply natural bug repellants a little more often than our chemical counterparts, but it’s worth it!

On Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest? Come by and say hi. You can find us @pranarom_usa.

Stay healthy and have fun!

Article by: Carla Cohen

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