Clinical Study: Essential Oils & Rhinitis (Allergies)

Clinical Study: Essential Oils & Rhinitis (Allergies)

A constantly runny nose, itchy eyes, and sneezing... allergies are no fun! Can essential oils help? The answer is yes, according to a 2016 study done by Chung-Ang University in Seoul, South Korea. Essential oils have the potential to soothe symptoms associated with allergies, including itchy, running nose, watery eyes and fatigue.

What is allergic rhinitis? 

Allergic rhinitis is an inflammation of the lining of the nose, sinuses, and eyes. It is triggered by the immune system's reaction to a normally harmless substance, called an allergen, such as pollen, mold, and dust mites. 

There are two types of allergic rhinitis: 

Periodic (seasonal) allergic rhinitis, also called hay fever, which only occurs at specific times of the year and is caused by wind-borne allergens. 

Perennial or persistent allergic rhinitis (PAR), which occurs regardless of the seasons and is due to allergenic elements present in the ambient air of homes and buildings (mites, pets, mold, etc.). It is one of the most common chronic diseases: it affects approximately 500 million people worldwide and causes various disorders (fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, depression, etc.). 

How to fight it? 

Different medications (antihistamines, decongestants, topical steroids or immunotherapy) can be used to help control the various symptoms. But these methods are not always effective or without side effects; this is why complementary medicines are gaining more and more ground in this type of pathology. Aromatherapy offers a significant choice in this regard with essential oils like Eucalyptus radiata, Ravintsara, Frankincense and Sandalwood.  

The study 

A recently conducted (February 2016) double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical study by South Korean researchers Seo Yeon Choi and Kyungsook Park of Chung-Ang University in Seoul, explored the effect of inhaling a mixture of 3 essential oils (Sandalwood, Frankincense and Ravintsara) on symptoms, quality of life, sleep quality and fatigue levels in 62 patients suffering from perennial allergic rhinitis (PAR). 


The 62 patients were randomly divided into two groups; 2 x (n = 31):  

The experimental group (Aromatherapy) received twelve 1ml bottles of a mixture of Sandalwood essential oilFrankincense essential oil and Ravintsara essential oil diluted to 0.2% in Sweet Almond Virgin Plant Oil. For 7 days, twice a day, at 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. (14 sessions in total), the participants poured the contents of the 1 ml bottle onto a swab, which they then positioned 30 cm from their nose and inhaled for 5 minutes while breathing normally. 

The control group (Placebo) received the same instructions, but with bottles containing only 1 ml of Sweet Almond Virgin Plant Oil. 

Several measures were taken to evaluate the action of essential oil inhalation on the symptoms of RA: quality of life, sleep quality and fatigue. All data were analyzed using SPSS software and the P value of <0.05 was defined as statistically significant.

Results * 

After 7 days of treatment, the total nasal symptom score (TNSS) was significantly reduced in the Aromatherapy group ( =0.022). For all 4 symptoms, the 2 groups showed a significant difference in the mean change in nasal obstruction (=0.035). Sneezing, runny nose, and nasal itching demonstrated a higher trend of improvement in the Aromatherapy group. See Table 1. 

The overall 'RQLQ' (Rhinoconjunctivitis Quality of Life Questionnaire) score decreased significantly more in the Aromatherapy group than in the Placebo group (= 0.002). Of the 7 'RQLQ' assessments, 5 showed significant differences between the two groups and 2 did not show whether the Aromatherapy group had strong trends of improvement compared to the Placebo group. Fatigue was significantly improved for the Aromatherapy group (P = 0.021). 




The study authors conclude that essential oil inhalation can be used as a safe and effective complementary intervention to reduce RA symptoms and improve patient quality of life. This randomized controlled trial showed that inhalation of the blend of Sandalwood, Frankincense, and Ravintsara essential oils alleviates subjective RA symptoms, improves disease-specific quality of life, and reduces fatigue in adult RA patients. This intervention also has the potential to improve sleep quality. 




*4 volunteers were excluded from the study. Remainder: 2 x (n = 27) 

1 Choi, Seo Yeon, and Kyungsook Park. “Effect of Inhalation of Aromatherapy Oil on Patients with Perennial Allergic Rhinitis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” » Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2016 (2016).  

2 UR Juergens, U. Dethlefsen, G. Steinkamp, A. Gillissen, R. Repges, and H. Vetter, “Anti-inflammatory activity of 1.8-cineol (eucalyptol) in bronchial asthma: a double-blind placebocon-trolled trial,” Respiratory Medicine, vol. 97, no. 3, pp. 250–256, 2003 

3 P.-D. Moon, IS Choi, J.-H. Go et al., “Inhibitory effects of biryuche-bang on mast cell-mediated allergic reactions and inflammatory cytokines production,” The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 1267–1282, 2013 



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