Lemon: Bright & Clarifying

Lemon: Bright & Clarifying

A sunny, fresh essential oil to clean your home and lift your spirit! Lemon’s bright personality and purifying power are great for diffusion and DIY cleaning products.

Organic Cleaning – For a countertop/surface spray, combine 12-15 drops Lemon, 1 tsp unscented dish soap & 1 oz water in a spray bottle. Add 20-30 drops to a cup of baking soda for a surface scrub.

Diffusion – Add 8-12 drops Lemon to your ultrasonic diffuser or simmer gently with 1/2 C water on your stove. Excellent paired with Ginger, Rose Geranium, or other citruses, florals & spices.

Steam Shower – A bright way to start your morning! Add drops of Lemon directly around the base of your shower before turning on the water.

Did you know? Lemon, like most cold expressed citrus essential oils, should not be used neat on the skin before exposure to sunlight. You can still enjoy its beautiful scent in your favorite moisturizers or liquid soaps, just stay below a 2% dilution (18 drops per ounce) for safe application.

Article by: Hanna Stensgaard

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