Transition to Spring: Bright Oils for Mood & Circulation

Pranarom Certified Organic Lemongrass, Ginger, and Orange, Sweet Essential Oil bottles with oranges and ginger background.

The transition from spring to winter can sometimes be difficult depending on where you live. Here in the Midwest, just when you think winter is over and the temps are warming up, we can be blasted with snow…Ugh!

The harsh, cold temps and the gray days can have an effect on our mood, skin, and can sometimes give us a cold chill. That’s where the power of essential oils comes in. They can help lift our mood and, when paired with an extra virgin plant oil, can help restore moisture and life to the skin. Let’s take a closer look at some of our favorites.

Orange Essential Oil
Bright, citrusy, and sweet, orange essential oil has an uplifting aroma and is great for boosting your mood. It’s also great for diffusing to achieve restful sleep and deep relaxation.

Lemongrass Essential Oil
Lemongrass with its bright, spicy lemon scent is one of the best known essential oils. We love this one in the diffuser, especially paired with other citruses to help purify the air and encourage calm and relaxation.

Ginger Essential Oil
Distilled from the rhizome of the perennial Ginger herb, this essential oil has a warm, fresh and zesty aroma. It’s great paired with an extra virgin plant oil for massaging onto the abdomen when experiencing digestive issues.

To help make the seasonal transition a little easier, we’ve rounded up some simple recipes for warming the bones, increasing circulation, and uplifting our moods as we eagerly await the full swing of spring. We hope you enjoy!

Uplifting Diffusion Blend:
5 Drops of Pranarom Orange Essential Oil
1 Drop of Pranarom Lemongrass Essential Oil
1 Drop of Pranarom Ginger Essential Oil

Add the essential oils to your favorite diffuser and breathe in bright the aroma!

Warming Massage Oil Blend:
1 Drop of Pranarom Ginger Essential Oil
5 Drops of Pranarom Orange Essential Oil
1 Drop of Pranarom Lemongrass Essential Oil
1 oz. of Pranarom Argan Extra Virgin Plant Oil

Add 1 oz. of Argan Extra Virgin Plant Oil to a small glass bottle with a pump. Top with essential oils and shake to combine. Add a couple pumps in the palm of your hand and treat yourself to a relaxing massage.

Warming Foot Bath for Cold Feet:
5 Drops of Pranarom Orange Essential Oil
1 Drop of Pranarom Lemongrass Essential Oil
1 Drop of Pranarom Ginger Essential Oil
10 Drops of Argan Extra Virgin Plant Oil
½ C. Epsom Salts

Add Epsom salts to a glass or metal bowl. Add all the essential oils and extra virgin plant oil and stir until well combined. Place in a glass jar until ready to use. Add a couple tablespoons to a warm basin of water, insert your feet and enjoy!

Reading next

Pranarom Certified Organic Bois de Cannes, Pompelmo di Calabria, Fleurs de Aix-En-Provence, Herbs de Avignon, Limone di Sorrento, Arancia di Valencia Diffusion Blend bottles with green plant background.
Pranarom Certified Organic Lavender Essential Oil bottle with plates of different plants or powders and towel.


Destination Diffusion: The South of France

From the warm, sun-soaked fields of Provence to the sparkling Mediterranean coast, take a journey with us to the South of France. Our three new diffusion blends celebrate the lush botanicals of this region, bringing you a breath of a far-off place. First off, we have AIX-EN-PROVENCE:From the lavender fields of Provence to the charming window boxes and vibrant flower markets, the South of France blooms with color and fragrance. A soft, rosy scent, our Aix-en-Provence blend has bright top notes of geranium grounded in fresh lavender & clary sage. Next, let’s head to AVIGNON:The Provencal landscape of Southern France abounds in fragrant herbs that gently perfume the sun-drenched countryside. Inspired by a French aromatic garden, our Avignon blend features a refreshing green scent of rosemary, basil and balmy lemon verbena. Lastly, we have CANNES:The city of Cannes sits on the sparkling French Mediterranean coast amid craggy shores where cypress, firs and juniper thrive. Our Cannes blend emulates this fresh, invigorating and grounding landscape with a warm medley of coniferous oils balanced with soft notes of clary sage and rock rose. To use any of our diffusion blends, simply add 4-5 drops to your favorite diffuser and enjoy!

Mother's Day DIY Gifts

Need a gift for mom that’s super special and handmade? We got you! There’s nothing more thoughtful than a gift made by hand, and we’ve rounded up some super simple, stylish, DIY ideas that are not only great for Mother’s Day, but can be given year-round. We especially love that they are free of toxins and harmful ingredients – additions that are sadly often found in beauty and bath products.   French Green Clay Mask   This beautiful mask is made with French green clay, calendula, apple cider vinegar and our luxurious Rose Regenerative blend.    Rose Regenerative facial oil is an extremely potent, effective blend of rare essential oils formulated to refresh and support stressed, aging and dry skin. Rose Regenerative promotes longevity while stimulating circulation for a healthy glow and more youthful appearance.   Pair this mask with a couple beautiful hand towels and some chocolate in a nice basket and you have the perfect special little gift of luxury.   Ingredients: 2 T. French Green Clay  2 ½ T. Apple Cider Vinegar ½ T. Calendula VPO  5 Drops of Rose Regenerative EO Small Amber Jar   Instructions: Place all ingredients in a stainless-steel bowl. Blend until combined as a smooth paste. Add to a small amber jar and put in fridge until ready to use. (Can be left out of the refrigerator for about a day). To use, apply mask to face and let sit for 15-20 minutes. Remove with warm water and a washcloth.   Rose Lavender Bath Soak   Perfect for a relaxing bath after a long stressful day! We’ve paired up Lavender, Rose, and Orange with some Epsom salts for this simple soak. Lavender is a wonderful essential oil for promoting relaxation.    Rose Otto is among the most luxurious and precious of essential oils, requiring 50-60 million blossoms to make just one liter of oil. Its beautifully deep, earthy, floral scent is prized in perfumery and works as an emotional tonic, soothing distress and encouraging balance, perfect for a beautiful bath soak.   We added a little Orange essential oil to the mix because it pairs beautifully with Rose and Lavender and gives a bright, sweet, uplifting aroma.   Ingredients:  2 C. Epsom Salts  15 drops of Lavender essential oil 10 drops of Rose essential oil  3 drops of Orange essential oil Handful of dried rose petals (optional)  Handful of lavender flowers (optional)   Instructions: Place Epsom salts in a glass bowl. Add oils and mix until oils are well distributed throughout the salts. Stir in your lavender flowers and Rose petals. Store in a glass jar. For a luxurious bath, add 2-3 T. of the mixture to your tub.     Nighty Night Sleep Spray   With so many of us leading stressful lives that can impact our sleep, a little spritz of this spray on your pillow will have you off to slumber in no time.   For this spray, we’ve paired up some relaxation powerhouses. Lavender has been used for thousands of years and is perfect for calming the mind. Roman Chamomile has a calming & relaxing personality and is especially suited to promote emotional health. Last is Bergamot with its spicy-sweet citrus personality. This oil is pure joy, promoting relaxation while easing tension.   Ingredients: 2 oz. Amber Glass Spray Bottle  30 Drops Lavender Essential Oil 5 Drops Roman Chamomile Essential Oil  10 drops Bergamot Essential Oil Distilled Water   Instructions: Add all essential oils to bottle. Top with distilled water. Shake vigorously. Can be used as a pillow, linen or room spray.