Ravintsara 101

Ravintsara 101

Breathe deeply with this minty, refreshing essential oil

Ravintsara essential oil has superb respiratory support and immune system benefits, making it a must have for ailments that come with the colder seasons.

Ravintsara trees were first brought to Madagascar from Asia in the 1980s. As the trees acclimated to the Malagasy soil, their chemical makeup became rich in 1,8 Cineole. The result? An oil that is highly beneficial for the respiratory and immune systems. Here are some of our favorite ways to use Ravintsara:

Ravintsara Mini Caps: Our Ravintsara Mini Caps each contain one drop of essential oil diluted in non-GMO, certified organic sunflower seed oil for safe internal use. Try taking 1-5 capsules per day if you’re feeling under the weather. These capsules should not be taken by children under the age of 5, or in conjunction with medication without your doctor’s approval. For kids, try our arch massage below.

Sinus Support: Dilute 1 to 2 drops of Ravintsara essential oil with 2-4 drops of virgin plant oil and massage into the sinuses, chest and upper back. Be careful not to put the essential oil too close to the eyes. Breathe deeply, and enjoy the refreshing, clearing sensation that Ravintsara has on your nose and lungs.

Arch Massage: Applying Ravintsara to the soles of your feet is one of the best methods of application. The arches of the feet are in direct contact with the pulmonary pathway, allowing the lungs to directly benefit from the cineole in the oil. Apply 1-2 drops neat, or for little ones and those with sensitive skin, massage 1 drop diluted with 2 drops of virgin plant oil 5 days out of 7. This method not only has the benefits of the cutaneous route (directly into the blood stream), but also the respiratory and ENT benefits.

Did You Know? Ravintsara vs Ravensara

The name Ravintsara translates to “the good leaf” in English, “ravina” meaning “leaf” and “tsara” meaning “good” in Malagasy. Ravintsara (Cinnamomum camphora) should not be confused with Ravensara (Ravensara aromatica). Ravensara’s aroma is sweet, green and licorice-like, and the oil contains very little 1,8 Cineole. Due to over harvesting, Ravensara is regarded as an at-risk species.

Ravintsara can be one of your strongest allies for respiratory health – we hope you take advantage of its amazing benefits! Let us know if you have any questions in the comments below, and visit our website at pranarom.us for more safety tips and information.

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