Wellness blends

Sinus Formula Essential Oil Wellness Blend - Organic

A vapor rub in a bottle! This refreshing and minty blend soothes the sinuses and the respiratory tract aromatically and through topical penetration. Pure, certified organic essential oils with olive oil.
Sale price$15.99 USD
Size: 5 ml - Bio

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Detailed description

Our classic, all-natural blend for supporting the respiratory system and encouraging you to breathe easy. A base of Olive Oil ensures that the formula is gentle enough for topical application. Essential oils of Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Rosemary, Frankincense, Thyme & Inula provide the minty fresh aroma that works fast...

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Actual relief!

I have asthma, which is usually allergy induced, I found this blend in a health food store WHILE having an asthma attack, I cannot use an inhaler and am always looking for relief sources, especially natural ones due to being allergic to fragrances and so, SO MANY other things. I used the tester to this and FELT A DIFFERENCE like instantly! I'm not saying the attack instantly ended, but another 5 or 10 minutes later I actually could breathe and focus again, I obviously purchased the product and have used it since, I've gone whole days with classic allergy symptoms before finding this, and this actually helped THANKS SO MUCH! OMG!

George Pietrowski
Bad Sinuses, great help

My sinuses react to the weather, no matter how the weather is actingʻ.... rain or shine, winter or summer, i have trouble breathing. A little SINUS FORMULA in each nostril and in a few minutes easy breathing returns.