DIY Aromatherapy Blend for Sleep/Relaxation

DIY Aromatherapy Blend for Sleep/Relaxation

A soothing aroma to help promote restorative sleep. This blend's combination of essential oils works to calm both mind and body AND promote the respiratory system, encouraging calm, deep breaths. 

How to make an essential oil blend for sleep & relaxation.


Roman Chamomile Esssential Oil - 10 Drops

Sweet Marjoram Essential Oil - 20 Drops

Ravintsara Essential Oil - 20 Drops

Instructions for Diffusion Blend:

Blend the Roman Chamomile, Sweet Marjoram and Ravintsara essential oils together in a dropper bottle. Diffuse 4-6 drops half an hour before bed.

Instructions for Aromatherapy Roller: 

For an aromatherapy roller, combine 10 drops of the blend with roughly 8ml of Jojoba VPO in an 8ml empty roller bottle. Keep beside your bed to roll on to your pulse points right before you go to sleep.

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